Do you need an Estate Agent?

Anyone can sell their own property - of course they can - in the same way as any professional can be replaced. However we strongly believe that in the same way as Sharon, Bryan, Ralph, Emma and Dave regretted their decision, bypassing an agent will result in the same, at best disappointment! Naturally we are biased but we strongly believe that using an experienced independent estate agent will ensure you achieve the best price possible and make the transaction as stress free as possible. And we aren't just saying this to feather our own nests, there are a number of important areas to consider:

Pricing is a delicate business. Ensuring you have the right asking price can be challenging, particularly when the market is consistently evolving one way or another. Using a number of pricing strategies underpinned by access to up-to-date market data, a good agent will pick the right asking price to secure maximum interest.

Marketing the property well is very important. When a market is good, pretty much anyone can sell a property, this doesn’t mean they will get the best outcome but it will be sold. But in a challenging market simply taking some nice photos and placing your property on Rightmove isn’t going to cut it. A good agent will have pre-qualified purchasers on their database as well as having other similar properties they can piggy back interest off to create viewings. At Cooke Curtis & Co we also have a system where we can see what applicants and looking at what properties which allows us to call interested parties who haven’t viewed yet. Marketing is power.

Negotiating a sale with one or more parties. Again a good agent will skillfully create a situation where the best offer is achieved, this can be even more challenging where there are two or more parties involved as each will need to be financially qualified and chains checked, their motivation understood to understand who is the best purchaser. It's a deal.

Managing a sale is a complex business. Keeping an eye on the sale – the 2-3 months from the point a property is sale agreed to completion is full of potential pitfalls (particularly with this country's property buying process), from surveyors reports and any actions required to problems or delays in the sales chain which will require considered input to keep all parties informed and to bring all in line with proposed completion dates. It's a marathon not a sprint.

Legal compliance is dull but important. The legal transactions in buying or selling a house, involves numerous legal documents and contracts. Estate agents can ensure that all paperwork is correctly completed and submitted, reducing the risk of legal issues. No further questions, your honour.

Professional Networks are everything. Estate agents have connections with other talented and experienced industry professionals, such as inspectors, appraisers, and lawyers, who can provide invaluable assistance during the sale process. It's not what you know but who you know.

You need an emotional buffer. As wonderful as it is to buy a new home, it is likely to be one of the most stressful times of your life. Estate agents can provide an objective perspective and help manage emotions, making it easier to make rational decisions, And frankly get you through it!

So yes, you are very welcome to sell your own home, as you are very welcome to fix your own boiler, or teeth, but do so at your own risk.
