With many different opinions proffered by leading analysts, our educated conclusion is that if you are trying to predict what will happen to the property market, you will require a crystal ball. Something my old business partner used to say was that there are only two good times to buy a property; right now or 10 years ago. He was wise beyond his years. Most property purchases are for homeowners not investors and in most cases people will stay at their new property for 8 or more years. Another significant statistic is that over the last 10 years properties in the Cambridge area have increased in value by 76% There will always be fluctuations in value and for all sorts of reasons but what is a fact is that property will always increase in value in the fullness of time. The best thing to do is to try not to get bogged down in the numbers. You can't influence the future (if you can let's talk), so in reality the right time to buy and sell is when it suits you, again this could be for a number or reasons. Now I know we would say this but can you argue with our logic? If you would like to be kept informed of properties coming to the market before they hit the property portals click on this link.
