An Expensive Cuppa

“Denise, did you see that letter from our letting agent?”. Chirped Keith as he vigorously shut the front door upon returning from a hard day at the office. “no” replied Denise “Let me guess, there’s been an increase in swamp tax?” “Haha, not quite” said Keith. “It’s a £150 bill from the agent’s property maintenance company!”. “SAY WHAATT!?”, Denise mimicked her favourite reality TV diva. “I know, right?” Keith affected. “What was the damage?” Denise quizzed. “Wait for the punchline” Keith excitedly responded. Denise always got a slightly sinking feeling when Keith said this as invariably it prefaced something distinctly lacking in humour.”Go on…” she attempted to enthuse. “NOTHING” Keith roared hysterically, kicking off his shoes, narrowly missing their much cherished ‘Live, Love. Laugh’ driftwood sculpture.


“SAY WHAATT?!” Denise responded, realising her own repetition. “Basically the tenants…” said Keith. “Matt and Emma?” interrupted Denise. ‘Matt and Gemma, Denise!” corrected Keith.”Oh yes.” acknowledged Denise “…reported an issue with the shower pressure” Keith got back on track. “Right” responded Denise. “They called our agent’s property maintenance company’s call centre who sent out a contractor from Milton Keynes – yep you heard it right!”. And what then happened?” questioned Denise. “They came over, pressed the boost switch, had a cup of tea and left!” Chucked Keith. “I hope it was Yorkshire Gold” Denise joined in. Keith slumped back onto the sofa cuddling Denise as they fell into an embrace. “How long until dinner” whispered Keith. “It’s Coq Au Vin, ready in about twenty minutes” knowingly winked Denise.
